MRI Schult­hess Kli­nik

The Me­di­cal Ra­dio­lo­gi­cal In­sti­tu­te MRI is re­p­re­sen­ted at Schult­hess Cli­nic, the re­now­ned Musculoskeletal​ Cent­re in Zu­rich. From the Bal­grist tram stop (tram line 11 di­rec­tion Reh­alp and train route S18) it is ap­pro­xi­ma­te­ly a 5 mi­nu­te walk down Lengg­stras­se until you reach the Schult­hess Cli­nic on the left hand side. Visitor​ car parks are avail­able next to and in the cli­nic.

The in­sti­tu­te, which was newly ex­ten­ded at the be­gin­ning of 2020, is dis­tin­guis­hed by high­ly qua­li­fied ra­dio­lo­gists and ex­perts spe­cia­li­sing in mu­s­cu­loske­l­etal dia­gnostics.

The range of ser­vices on site en­com­pas­ses 3T and 1.5T MRT (ma­gne­tic re­so­nan­ce to­mo­gra­phy) and CT (com­pu­ter to­mo­gra­phy) and fluo­ro­scopy. All other ima­ging pro­ce­du­res such as di­gi­tal X-​​rays, mam­mo­gra­phy and ul­tra­sound are avail­able at our other sites in Zu­rich. The mucle­ar me­di­ci­ne de­part­ment (PET/CT and SPECT/CT) is also lo­ca­ted at the Sta­del­ho­fen site. Bone den­si­ty me­a­su­re­ments (DEXA, os­teo­den­si­to­me­try) can be car­ried out at MRI Bahn­hof­platz. All four in­sti­tu­tes are clo­se­ly lin­ked via a net­work and thus gua­ran­tee short-​​dated ap­point­ments over the en­ti­re spec­trum of ser­vices and also ti­me­ly dia­gno­sis.

Thanks to the con­nec­tion to the Schult­hess Cli­nic, an ac­ti­ve ex­pert exchan­ge takes place with the spe­cia­lists at Schult­hess Cli­nic. As a pa­ti­ent, you be­ne­fit from the mo­dern clinic-​​affiliated in­fra­st­ruc­tu­re. We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you to the MRI Schult­hess Cli­nic in a pro­fes­sio­nal and friend­ly man­ner. En­qui­re about the pos­si­bli­ties of­fe­red by our ima­ging pro­ce­du­res or find out more here on the web­site.

Get­ting here by pu­blic trans­port

Tram no. 11 or S18 (Forch­bahn) to the Bal­grist stop.

Get­ting here by car

Par­king spaces are avail­able in the Schult­hess Cli­nic un­der­ground car park.

In­sights into the in­sti­tui­te

Other lo­ca­ti­ons