Félix P. Kuhn

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Reduction of BOLD interference in pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling: towards quantitative fMRI.
Warnock, G., P.S. Ozbay, F.P. Kuhn, D. Nanz, A. Buck, A. Boss, and C. Rossi, J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 2017.
Prevalence of simple and complex sacral perineural Tarlov cysts in a French cohort of adults and children.
Kuhn, F.P., S. Hammoud, M.M. Lefevre-Colau, S. Poiraudeau, and A. Feydy, J Neuroradiol, 2017. 44(1): p. 38-43.
MR imaging of the temporomandibular joint: comparison between acquisitions at 7.0 T using dielectric pads and 3.0 T.
Kuhn, F.P., G. Spinner, F. Del Grande, M. Wyss, M. Piccirelli, S. Erni, P. Pfister, M. Ho, B.R. Sah, L. Filli, D.A. Ettlin, L.M. Gallo, G. Andreisek, and A. Manoliu, Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 2017. 46(1): p. 20160280.
Simultaneous multislice readout-segmented echo planar imaging for accelerated diffusion tensor imaging of the mandibular nerve: A feasibility study.
Manoliu, A., M. Ho, M. Piccirelli, D. Nanz, L. Filli, E. Dappa, W. Liu, D.A. Ettlin, A. Boss, G. Andreisek, and F.P. Kuhn, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2017. 46(3): p. 663-677.
Evaluation of Reproducibility of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in the Brachial Plexus at 3.0 T.
Ho, M.J., A. Manoliu, F.P. Kuhn, B. Stieltjes, M. Klarhofer, T. Feiweier, M. Marcon, and G. Andreisek, Invest Radiol, 2017. 52(8): p. 482-487.
PET+MR versus PET/CT in the initial staging of head and neck cancer, using a trimodality PET/CT+MR system.
Sekine, T., F. de Galiza Barbosa, F.P. Kuhn, I.A. Burger, P. Stolzmann, G.F. Huber, S.S. Kollias, G.K. von Schulthess, P. Veit-Haibach, and M.W. Huellner, Clin Imaging, 2017. 42: p. 232-239.
Kinetic DTI of the cervical spine: diffusivity changes in healthy subjects.
Kuhn, F.P., A. Feydy, N. Launay, M.M. Lefevre-Colau, S. Poiraudeau, S. Laporte, M.A. Maier, and P. Lindberg, Neuroradiology, 2016. 58(9): p. 929-35.
68Gallium-DOTATATE PET in meningioma: A reliable predictor of tumor growth rate?
Sommerauer, M., J.K. Burkhardt, K. Frontzek, E. Rushing, A. Buck, N. Krayenbuehl, M. Weller, N. Schaefer, and F.P. Kuhn, Neuro Oncol, 2016. 18(7): p. 1021-7.
Probing neuronal activation by functional quantitative susceptibility mapping under a visual paradigm: A group level comparison with BOLD fMRI and PET.
Ozbay, P.S., G. Warnock, C. Rossi, F. Kuhn, B. Akin, K.P. Pruessmann, and D. Nanz, Neuroimage, 2016. 137: p. 52-60.
Comparison of a 32-channel head coil and a 2-channel surface coil for MR imaging of the temporomandibular joint at 3.0 T.
Manoliu, A., G. Spinner, M. Wyss, L. Filli, S. Erni, D.A. Ettlin, E.J. Ulbrich, F.P. Kuhn, L.M. Gallo, and G. Andreisek, Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 2016. 45(4): p. 20150420.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Lumbar Nerve Roots: Comparison Between Fast Readout-Segmented and Selective-Excitation Acquisitions.
Manoliu, A., M. Ho, D. Nanz, M. Piccirelli, E. Dappa, M. Klarhofer, F. Del Grande, and F.P. Kuhn, Invest Radiol, 2016. 51(8): p. 499-504.
MR neurographic orthopantomogram: Ultrashort echo-time imaging of mandibular bone and teeth complemented with high-resolution morphological and functional MR neurography.
Manoliu, A., M. Ho, D. Nanz, E. Dappa, A. Boss, D.M. Grodzki, W. Liu, A. Chhabra, G. Andreisek, and F.P. Kuhn, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2016. 44(2): p. 393-400.
Quantitative H2[(15)O]-PET in Pediatric Moyamoya Disease: Evaluating Perfusion before and after Cerebral Revascularization.
Kuhn, F.P., G. Warnock, T. Schweingruber, M. Sommerauer, A. Buck, and N. Khan, J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2015. 24(5): p. 965-71.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Temporomandibular Joint at 7.0 T Using High-Permittivity Dielectric Pads: A Feasibility Study.
Manoliu, A., G. Spinner, M. Wyss, D.A. Ettlin, D. Nanz, F.P. Kuhn, L.M. Gallo, and G. Andreisek, Invest Radiol, 2015. 50(12): p. 843-9.
Image registration accuracy of an in-house developed patient transport system for PET/CT+MR and SPECT+CT imaging.
Samarin, A., F.P. Kuhn, F. Brandsberg, G. von Schulthess, and I.A. Burger, Nucl Med Commun, 2015. 36(2): p. 194-200.
Regional cerebral blood flow estimated by early PiB uptake is reduced in mild cognitive impairment and associated with age in an amyloid-dependent manner.
Gietl, A.F., G. Warnock, F. Riese, A.M. Kalin, A. Saake, E. Gruber, S.E. Leh, P.G. Unschuld, F.P. Kuhn, C. Burger, L. Mu, B. Seifert, R.M. Nitsch, R. Schibli, S.M. Ametamey, A. Buck, and C. Hock, Neurobiol Aging, 2015. 36(4): p. 1619-1628.
Comparison of PET template-based and MRI-based image processing in the quantitative analysis of C11-raclopride PET.
Kuhn, F.P., G.I. Warnock, C. Burger, K. Ledermann, C. Martin-Soelch, and A. Buck, EJNMMI Res, 2014. 4(1): p. 7.
Contrast-enhanced PET/MR imaging versus contrast-enhanced PET/CT in head and neck cancer: how much MR information is needed?
Kuhn, F.P., M. Hullner, C.E. Mader, N. Kastrinidis, G.F. Huber, G.K. von Schulthess, S. Kollias, and P. Veit-Haibach, J Nucl Med, 2014. 55(4): p. 551-8.
Whole-body nonenhanced PET/MR versus PET/CT in the staging and restaging of cancers: preliminary observations.
Huellner, M.W., P. Appenzeller, F.P. Kuhn, L. Husmann, C.M. Pietsch, I.A. Burger, M. Porto, G. Delso, G.K. von Schulthess, and P. Veit-Haibach, Radiology, 2014. 273(3): p. 859-69.
Quantitative cerebral perfusion imaging in children and young adults with Moyamoya disease: comparison of arterial spin-labeling-MRI and H(2)[(15)O]-PET.
Goetti, R., G. Warnock, F.P. Kuhn, R. Guggenberger, R. O’Gorman, A. Buck, N. Khan, and I. Scheer, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 2014. 35(5): p. 1022-8.
Discrimination and anatomical mapping of PET-positive lesions: comparison of CT attenuation-corrected PET images with coregistered MR and CT images in the abdomen.
Kuhn, F.P., D.W. Crook, C.E. Mader, P. Appenzeller, G.K. von Schulthess, and D.T. Schmid, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2013. 40(1): p. 44-51.
Clinical positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging applications.
Von Schulthess, G.K., F.P. Kuhn, P. Kaufmann, and P. Veit-Haibach, Semin Nucl Med, 2013. 43(1): p. 3-10.
PET-MR imaging using a tri-modality PET/CT-MR system with a dedicated shuttle in clinical routine.
Veit-Haibach, P., F.P. Kuhn, F. Wiesinger, G. Delso, and G. von Schulthess, MAGMA, 2013. 26(1): p. 25-35.
18F-FDG-PET/CT for the assessment of the contralateral neck in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Kastrinidis, N., F.P. Kuhn, T.F. Hany, N. Ahmad, G.F. Huber, and S.K. Haerle, Laryngoscope, 2013. 123(5): p. 1210-5.
PET/MR imaging of bone lesions – implications for PET quantification from imperfect attenuation correction.
Samarin, A., C. Burger, S.D. Wollenweber, D.W. Crook, I.A. Burger, D.T. Schmid, G.K. von Schulthess, and F.P. Kuhn, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2012. 39(7): p. 1154-60.
Hybrid cardiac magnetic resonance/computed tomographic imaging: first fusion of three-dimensional magnetic resonance perfusion and low-dose coronary computed tomographic angiography.
Manka, R., F.P. Kuhn, S.M. Kuest, O. Gaemperli, S. Kozerke, and P.A. Kaufmann, Eur Heart J, 2011. 32(21): p. 2625.
‚Head and Neck Cancer‘. Hüllner MW, F.P. Kuhn, and H.D. Curtin, In ‚Molecular Anatomic Imaging: PET/CT, PET/MR and SPECT/CT‘.
G.K. von Schulthess (ed.), pp 341 – 361. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; Philiadelphia, USA (2015, 3rd revised edition)