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Magnetic resonance elastography vs. point shear wave ultrasound elastography for the assessment of renal allograft dysfunction.
Kennedy P, Bane O, Hectors SJ, Gordic S, Berger M, Delaney V, Salem F, et al.
Eur J Radiol 2020;126:108949.
Evaluation of ileal Crohn's disease response to TNF antagonists: Validation of MR enterography for assessing response. Initial results.
Gordic S, Bane O, Kihira S, Peti S, Hectors S, Torres J, Cho J, et al.
Eur J Radiol Open 2020;7:100217.
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging shows promising results to assess renal transplant dysfunction with fibrosis.
ane O, Hectors SJ, Gordic S, Kennedy P, Wagner M, Weiss A, Khaim R, et al.
Kidney Int 2020;97:414-420.
Diffusion and perfusion MRI quantification in ileal Crohn's disease.
Hectors SJ, Gordic S, Semaan S, Bane O, Hirten R, Jia X, Colombel JF, et al.
Eur Radiol 2019;29:993-1002.
Prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma response to (90)Yttrium radioembolization using volumetric ADC histogram quantification: preliminary results.
Gordic S, Wagner M, Zanato R, Hectors S, Besa C, Kihira S, Kim E, et al.
Cancer Imaging 2019;19:29.
Noninvasive prediction of portal pressure with MR elastography and DCE-MRI of the liver and spleen: Preliminary results.
Wagner M, Hectors S, Bane O, Gordic S, Kennedy P, Besa C, Schiano TD, et al.
J Magn Reson Imaging 2018;48:1091-1103.
Detection of liver fibrosis using qualitative and quantitative MR elastography compared to liver surface nodularity measurement, gadoxetic acid uptake, and serum markers.
Besa C, Wagner M, Lo G, Gordic S, Chatterji M, Kennedy P, Stueck A, et al.
J Magn Reson Imaging 2018;47:1552-1561.
Hepatic adenomatosis in liver cirrhosis.
Gordic S, Thung SN, Roayaie S, Wagner M, Taouli B.
Eur J Radiol Open 2017;4:115-117.
Evaluation of HCC response to locoregional therapy: Validation of MRI-based response criteria versus explant pathology.
Gordic S, Corcuera-Solano I, Stueck A, Besa C, Argiriadi P, Guniganti P, King M, et al.
J Hepatol 2017;67:1213-1221.
Value of tumor stiffness measured with MR elastography for assessment of response of hepatocellular carcinoma to locoregional therapy.
Gordic S, Ayache JB, Kennedy P, Besa C, Wagner M, Bane O, Ehman RL, et al.
Abdom Radiol (NY) 2017;42:1685-1694.
Arterio-portal shunts in the cirrhotic liver: perfusion computed tomography for distinction of arterialized pseudolesions from hepatocellular carcinoma.
Fischer MA, Marquez HP, Gordic S, Leidner B, Klotz E, Aspelin P, Alkadhi H, et al.
Eur Radiol 2017;27:1074-1080.
Histogram Analysis of CT Perfusion of Hepatocellular Carcinoma for Predicting Response to Transarterial Radioembolization: Value of Tumor Heterogeneity Assessment.
Reiner CS, Gordic S, Puippe G, Morsbach F, Wurnig M, Schaefer N, Veit-Haibach P, et al.
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2016;39:400-408.
Quantitative comparison of 2D and 3D late gadolinium enhancement MR imaging in patients with Fabry disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Morsbach F, Gordic S, Gruner C, Niemann M, Goetti R, Gotschy A, Kozerke S, et al.
Int J Cardiol 2016;217:167-173.
Correlation between Dual-Energy and Perfusion CT in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Gordic S, Puippe GD, Krauss B, Klotz E, Desbiolles L, Lesurtel M, Mullhaupt B, et al.
Radiology 2016;280:78-87.
Optimizing radiation dose by using advanced modelled iterative reconstruction in high-pitch coronary CT angiography.
Gordic S, Desbiolles L, Sedlmair M, Manka R, Plass A, Schmidt B, Husarik DB, et al.
Eur Radiol 2016;26:459-468.
Automated attenuation-based tube voltage selection for body CTA: Performance evaluation of 192-slice dual-source CT.
Winklehner A, Gordic S, Lauk E, Frauenfelder T, Leschka S, Alkadhi H, Husarik DB.
Eur Radiol 2015;25:2346-2353.
Computed tomography for planning and postoperative imaging of transvenous mitral annuloplasty: first experience in an animal model.
Sundermann SH, Gordic S, Manka R, Cesarovic N, Falk V, Maisano F, Alkadhi H.
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2015;31:135-142.
Advanced virtual monoenergetic computed tomography of hyperattenuating and hypoattenuating liver lesions: ex-vivo and patient experience in various body sizes.
Husarik DB, Gordic S, Desbiolles L, Krauss B, Leschka S, Wildermuth S, Alkadhi H.
Invest Radiol 2015;50:695-702.
Whole-body CT-based imaging algorithm for multiple trauma patients: radiation dose and time to diagnosis.
Gordic S, Alkadhi H, Hodel S, Simmen HP, Brueesch M, Frauenfelder T, Wanner G, et al.
Br J Radiol 2015;88:20140616.
The third ventricle--a case of a giant post infarct pseudoaneurysm.
Niemann M, Hermann M, Jacobs S, Gotschy A, Gordic S, Tanner FC, Manka R.
Int J Cardiol 2014;177:e93-96.
Perfusion CT best predicts outcome after radioembolization of liver metastases: a comparison of radionuclide and CT imaging techniques.
Morsbach F, Sah BR, Spring L, Puippe G, Gordic S, Seifert B, Schaefer N, et al.
Eur Radiol 2014;24:1455-1465.
Performance of turbo high-pitch dual-source CT for coronary CT angiography: first ex vivo and patient experience.
Morsbach F, Gordic S, Desbiolles L, Husarik D, Frauenfelder T, Schmidt B, Allmendinger T, et al.
Eur Radiol 2014;24:1889-1895.
Sizing the mitral annulus in healthy subjects and patients with mitral regurgitation: 2D versus 3D measurements from cardiac CT.
Gordic S, Nguyen-Kim TD, Manka R, Sundermann S, Frauenfelder T, Maisano F, Falk V, et al.
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2014;30:389-398.
Ultralow-dose chest computed tomography for pulmonary nodule detection: first performance evaluation of single energy scanning with spectral shaping.
Gordic S, Morsbach F, Schmidt B, Allmendinger T, Flohr T, Husarik D, Baumueller S, et al.
Invest Radiol 2014;49:465-473.
High-pitch coronary CT angiography with third generation dual-source CT: limits of heart rate.
Gordic S, Husarik DB, Desbiolles L, Leschka S, Frauenfelder T, Alkadhi H.
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2014;30:1173-1179.
Advanced modelled iterative reconstruction for abdominal CT: qualitative and quantitative evaluation.
Gordic S, Desbiolles L, Stolzmann P, Gantner L, Leschka S, Husarik DB, Alkadhi H.
Clin Radiol 2014;69:e497-504.
Characterization of indeterminate spleen lesions in primary CT after blunt abdominal trauma: potential role of MR imaging.
Gordic S, Alkadhi H, Simmen HP, Wanner G, Cadosch D.
Emerg Radiol 2014;21:491-498.
Incidence and variants of posterior arch defects of the atlas vertebra.
Guenkel S, Schlaepfer S, Gordic S, Wanner GA, Simmen HP, Werner CM.
Radiol Res Pract 2013;2013:957280.
It is not contrast media: CT imaging appearance of intra-arrest transnasal evaporative cooling.
Gordic S, Gerstl P, Brueesch M, Alkadhi H.
Am J Emerg Med 2013;31:638 e635-636.
Investigation techniques and importance of CT for diagnostics of cardiac valvular diseases.
Gordic S, Alkadhi H.
Radiologe 2013;53:864-871.
Automated attenuation-based kilovoltage selection: preliminary observations in patients after endovascular aneurysm repair of the abdominal aorta.
Goetti R, Winklehner A, Gordic S, Baumueller S, Karlo CA, Frauenfelder T, Alkadhi H.
AJR Am J Roentgenol 2012;199:W380-385.
Transforming growth factor-beta inhibits the expression of clock genes.
Gast H, Gordic S, Petrzilka S, Lopez M, Muller A, Gietl A, Hock C, et al.
Ann N Y Acad Sci 2012;1261:79-87.