Christian Weisstanner

- Tedesco
- Inglese
- Francese
The Mirror Illusion Increases Motor Cortex Excitability in Children With and Without Hemiparesis.
Grunt S, Newman CJ, Saxer S, Steinlin M, Weisstanner C, Kaelin-Lang A.
Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2016 Nov 30. pii: 1545968316680483.
Focal and Generalized Patterns of Cerebral Cortical Veins Due to Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus or Prolonged Seizure Episode after Convulsive Status Epilepticus – A MRI Study Using Susceptibility Weighted Imaging.
Verma RK, Abela E, Schindler K, Krestel H, Springer E, Huber A, Weisstanner C, Hauf M, Gralla J, Wiest R.
PLoS One. 2016 Aug 3;11(8):e0160495.
Characterization of Enhancing MS Lesions by Dynamic Texture Parameter Analysis of Dynamic Susceptibility Perfusion Imaging.
Verma RK, Slotboom J, Locher C, Heldner MR, Weisstanner C, Abela E, Kellner-Weldon F, Zbinden M, Kamm CP, Wiest R.
Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016:9578139.
Comparison of Routine Brain Imaging at 3 T and 7 T.
Springer E, Dymerska B, Cardoso PL, Robinson SD, Weisstanner C, Wiest R, Schmitt B, Trattnig S.
Invest Radiol. 2016 Aug;51(8):469-82.
Venous pattern of polymicrogyria detected by susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI).
Verma RK, Wagner F, Weisstanner C, Strozzi S, Lang MF.
Acta Radiol Open. 2015 Dec 8;4(12):2058460115617353.
Lamb Temporal Bone as a Surgical Training Model of Round Window Cochlear Implant Electrode Insertion.
Mantokoudis G, Huth ME, Weisstanner C, Friedrich HM, Nauer C, Candreia C, Caversaccio MD, Senn P.
Otol Neurotol. Jan;37(1):52-56. 2016.
Radiation dose reduction in postoperative computed position control of cochlear implant electrodes in lambs – An experimental study.
Weisstanner C, Mantokoudis G, Huth M, Verma RK, Nauer C, Senn P, Caversaccio MD, Wagner F.
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. Nov 4. 2015.
Resected Brain Tissue, Seizure Onset Zone and Quantitative EEG Measures: Towards Prediction of Post-Surgical Seizure Control.
Rummel C, Abela E, Andrzejak RG, Hauf M, Pollo C, Müller M, Weisstanner C, Wiest R, Schindler K.
PLoS One. Oct 29;10(10). 2015.
Protected stent retriever thrombectomy prevents iatrogenic emboli in new vascular territories.
Klinger-Gratz PP, Schroth G, Gralla J, Jung S, Weisstanner C, Verma RK, Mordasini P, Kellner-Weldon F, Hsieh K, Heldner MR, Fischer U, Arnold M, Mattle HP, El-Koussy M.
Neuroradiology. 2015 Oct;57(10):1045-54. 2015.
In-vivo phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography of the cerebrovascular system: a comparative study with duplex sonography.
Hsieh K, Stein K, Mono ML, Kellner-Weldon F, Verma RK, Weisstanner C, Andereggen L, Reinert M, Gralla J, Schroth G, El-Koussy M.
Swiss Med Wkly. 2015 Jul 7;145. 2015.
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in common variable immunodeficiency: mitigated course under mirtazapine and mefloquine.
Kurmann R, Weisstanner C, Kardas P, Hirsch HH, Wiest R, Lämmle B, Furrer H, Du Pasquier R, Bassetti CL, Sturzenegger M, Krestel H.
J Neurovirol. 2015 Dec;21(6):694-701.
Whole-Brain Susceptibility-Weighted Thrombus Imaging in Stroke: Fragmented Thrombi Predict Worse Outcome.
Gratz PP, Schroth G, Gralla J, Mattle HP, Fischer U, Jung S, Mordasini P, Hsieh K, Verma RK, Weisstanner C, El-Koussy M.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2015 Jul;36(7):1277-82.
The value of susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) in patients with non-neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.
Wagner F, Haenggi MM, Wagner B, Weck A, Weisstanner C, Grunt S, Z’Graggen WJ, Gralla J, Wiest R, Verma RK.
Resuscitation. 2015 Mar;88:75-80.
Sono-electro-magnetic therapy for treating chronic pelvic pain syndrome in men: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial.
Kessler TM, Mordasini L, Weisstanner C, Jüni P, da Costa BR, Wiest R, Thalmann GN.
PLoS One. 2014 Dec 29;9(12):e113368.
Delayed development of neural language organization in very preterm born children.
Mürner-Lavanchy I, Steinlin M, Kiefer C, Weisstanner C, Ritter BC, Perrig W, Everts R.
Dev Neuropsychol. 2014 Oct;39(7):529-42.
Highly efficient Ketone Body Treatment in Multiple Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency- (MADD-) related Leukodystrophy.
Gautschi M, Weisstanner C, Slotboom J, Nava E, Zürcher T, Nuoffer JM.
Pediatr Res. 2015 Jan;77(1-1):91-8.
Focal hemodynamic patterns of status epilepticus detected by susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI).
Aellen J, Abela E, Buerki SE, Kottke R, Springer E, Schindler K, Weisstanner C, El-Koussy M, Schroth G, Wiest R, Gralla J, Verma RK.
Eur Radiol. 2014 Nov;24(11):2980-8.
Thrombus imaging in acute stroke: correlation of thrombus length on susceptibility-weighted imaging with endovascular reperfusion success.
Weisstanner C, Gratz PP, Schroth G, Verma RK, Köchl A, Jung S, Arnold M, Gralla J, Zubler C, Hsieh K, Mordasini P, El-Koussy M.
Eur Radiol. 2014 Aug;24(8):1735-41.
Dose Reduction in Standard Head CT: First Results from a New Scanner Using Iterative Reconstruction and a New Detector Type in Comparison with Two Previous Generations of Multi-slice CT.
Ozdoba C, Slotboom J, Schroth G, Ulzheimer S, Kottke R, Watzal H, Weisstanner C.
Clin Neuroradiol. 2014 Mar;24(1):23-8.
CT dose and image quality in the last three scanner generations.
Christe A, Heverhagen J, Ozdoba C, Weisstanner C, Ulzheimer S, Ebner L.
World J Radiol. 2013 Nov 28;5(11):421-9.
Insular and caudate lesions release abnormal yawning in stroke patients.
Krestel H, Weisstanner C, Hess CW, Bassetti CL, Nirkko A, Wiest R.
Brain Struct Funct. 2015 Mar;220(2):803-12.
Cone beam and micro-computed tomography validation of manual array insertion for minimally invasive cochlear implantation.
Wimmer W, Bell B, Huth ME, Weisstanner C, Gerber N, Kompis M, Weber S, Caversaccio M.
Audiol Neurootol. 2014;19(1):22-30.
Characterization of Microcirculation in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions by Dynamic Texture Parameter Analysis (DTPA).
Verma RK, Slotboom J, Heldner MR, Kellner-Weldon F, Kottke R, Ozdoba C, Weisstanner C, Kamm CP, Wiest R.
PLoS One. 2013 Jul 16;8(7):e67610.
Acute Encephalopathy with Unilateral Cortical-Subcortical Lesions in Two Unrelated Kindreds Treated with Glucocorticoids Prenatally for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency: Established Facts and Novel Insight.
Grunt S, Steinlin M, Weisstanner C, Schöning M, Mullis PE, Flück CE.
Horm Res Paediatr. 2013;80(1):57-63.
Detecting subarachnoid hermorrhage: Comparison of combiner FLAIR/SWI versus CT.
Verma RK, Kottke R, Andereggen L, Weisstanner C, Zubler C, Gralla J, Kiefer C, Slotboom J, Wiest R, Schroth G, Ozdoba C, El-Koussy M.
Eur J Radiol. 2013 Sep;82(9):1539-45.
High-accuracy patient-to-image registration for the facilitation of image-guided robotic microsurgery on the head.
Gerber N, Gavaghan KA, Bell BJ, Williamson TM, Weisstanner C, Caversaccio MD, Weber S.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2013 Apr;60(4):960-8
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome in men is associated with reduction of relative gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex compared to healthy controls.
Mordasini L, Weisstanner C, Rummel C, Thalmann GN, Verma RK, Wiest R, Kessler TM.
J Urol. 2012 Dec;188(6):2233-7.
Radiation dose optimization in pediatric temporal bone computed tomography: influence of tube tension on image contrast and image quality.
Nauer CB, Zubler C, Weisstanner C, Stieger C, Senn P, Arnold A.
Neuroradiology. 2012 Mar;54(3):247-54
Pre- and postnatal imaging of Pai syndrome with spontaneous intrauterine closure of a frontal cephalocele.
Dobrocky T, Ebner L, Liniger B, Weisstanner C, Stranzinger E.
Pediatr Radiol. 2015 Jun;45(6):936-40.
Imaging findings in uncorrected tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary atresia with major aortopulmonary collateral arteries and septic embolism.
Dobrocky T, Klink T, Weisstanner C, Heverhagen J, Christe A.
Acta Radiol Short Rep. 2014 Jan 3;3(1):2047981613515211.
Foetal MRI at 3T- Ready for Routine Use?
Weisstanner C, Gruber GM, Brugger PC, Mitter C, Diogo MC, Kasprian G, Prayer D.
Br J Radiol. 2017 Jan;90(1069):20160362.
MRI of the Fetal Brain.
Weisstanner C, Kasprian G, Gruber GM, Brugger PC, Prayer D.
Clin Neuroradiol. 2015 Oct;25 Suppl 2:189-96. doi: 10.1007/s00062-015-0413-z. Epub 2015 Jun 11.
Neuroimaging of Epilepsy: Lesions, Networks, Oscillations.
Abela E, Rummel C, Hauf M, Weisstanner C, Schindler K, Wiest R.
Clin Neuroradiol. 2014 Mar;24(1):5-15.
Surgical planning tool for robotically assisted hearing aid implantation.
Gerber N, Bell B, Gavaghan K, Weisstanner C, Caversaccio M, Weber S.
Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2014 Jan;9(1):11-20.